19 Advantages of Wind Energy Explained

As our populations grow and fossil fuels become scarce, it is more important than ever to look for sustainable and renewable energy resources. Wind energy is just beginning to show its remarkable contributions to our energy consumption needs.

Humans have been harnessing the wind’s power for thousands of years. For a short while, we all but forgot about this amazing and providing the gift of nature. In this article, we will discuss the many advantages of wind.

Wind is a Free Energy Source

Wind energy is free. It can be used to generate electricity and motion. No one is charged for the wind, it’s a part of everyday life, and there is no way to turn it off. That being said, it does cost money to build the turbines to generate the electricity needed. 

Wind is Available Anywhere on Earth

The wind is literally everywhere. Some places do get more wind than others. However, most places are relatively close to a windy area that can generate power for the towns and cities. 

Wind Is Sustainable and Renewable

The wind has “dual sustainability,” says Johnathan B. Welch and  Anand Vekateswaran. It is sustainable from an environmental viewpoint and an economic viewpoint. Environmentally wind can sustain our energy needs without harming future generations. It is also becoming more financially sustainable as technology finds better and less expensive ways and materials to harness wind energy. 

Wind Energy is Inexpensive

Wind energy is less expensive than other electricity resources. According to Scientific America, Wind is one of the least expensive forms of electricity generated. It continues to become cheaper as the technology produces turbines that are:

  • Less expensive to build
  • Made from lighter weight materials
  • Made to work even in low wind environments

At less than half the cost to run a natural gas power plant, Wind energy is showing superiority in our energy sources.

Government Incentives to Use Wind Power

The government gives incentives such as the wind exchange program and tax breaks to produce and utilize clean energy sources. There are tax credits for production and investment in wind energies. The government also offers a Rural Energy for America Program.

It is a Domestic Source of Power

Because wind is readily available to our country, it is considered domestic. This means we do not pay other countries for harnessing this energy source as it is already available to us. 

Our country has relied on foreign production of fossil fuels to generate power for our homes, vehicles, and industries. Having renewable and sustainable domestic resources keeps our money in our economy.

Wind Energy Creates Jobs

There are many jobs and careers in the wind industry. These include:

  • Factory and manufacturing the materials necessary to build the wind turbines
  • Trucking and transport of the turbines
  • Skilled workers for the construction of the site and erection of the wind generators
  • Maintenance of the turbines and the wind energy systems
  • Line Installation
  • Offshore wind energy jobs
  • Training and education

To see how your skills and career fit into wind energy, check the Wind Career Map. This is an interactive map that you can mouse over and explore the many different wind energy jobs.

Wind Creates Industry and US Competitiveness 

It keeps pace with the demand for energy needs. According to AWEA, 2019 has seen “record development activity, driven by”

  • Fortune 500 businesses such as Walmart, Hormel Foods, and Target 
  • Over 200 new projects are advancing. 
    • Texas,
    • Wyoming, 
    • Iowa and 
    • South Dakota
  • More states are looking into Offshore wind energy. These include 
    • New Jersey, 
    • New York, 
    • Maryland, 
    • Connecticut
  • The US now has almost 60,000 wind turbines operating, and we are now generating enough energy to power over 30 million homes, says AWEA.

Turbines Require less Square Footage 

Because the wind turbines’ girth is in height, less land is taken up when they are erected. Depending on the type of turbine or wind, farmland may not need to be used at all.

Use of Existing Agricultural Land

Wind Farms require wide-open spaces, and farm and ranch land is the perfect match. Agricultural landowners can lease areas of their land to the wind farms while still working their land. It creates a continuous source of income for the rancher or farmer.

Offshore Wind Farms are Being Built

Land is not necessary for wind generators. New wind farms are being built off the shores of our country. Resources are very abundant in offshore areas. Larger turbines can be built, as ships and barges can transport them easier than most trucks.

The offshore wind farms use undersea cables to distribute the electricity to shore. Most offshore wind farms are in deep waters. Therefore the turbines are built on floating foundations suitable to the environment.

Wind Generators are Available for Anyone

No matter who you are, there is probably a wind turbine that will fit your needs and budget. Everyday consumers can purchase small systems such as this Pikasola Turbine Generator kit. These wind turbines can be used for the 

  • Home, 
  • Recreational Vehicle 
  • Boat
  • Camping
  • Other places where you may need a power source

Whole-home wind generators are also available. These can be grid-tied, but you need to ensure you are zoned for it and that there is enough wind at your location to ensure you will get the energy you require.

Health Benefits Associated with Wind Power

Wind energy has health benefits because it is clean energy. Adverse health issues associated with carbon-based fuels being burned to release energy pollutes air and water sources. The pollution causes breathing issues and serious illness in many individuals. Since wind generators do not produce air pollution, they are considered beneficial to our health.

Wind Energy to Pump Water from Wells

This is not a new concept. People have been using wind energy for centuries to help them with big jobs. Before we were generating electricity with wind turbines, we had windmills. These windmills have been used to pump fresh water out of the ground for livestock and more. Windmills have also been used to power sawmills and to grind grain. 

Wind Energy uses Little Water

Unlike other fossil fuel sources, the wind does not require the use of a lot of water. Fossil fuels require the use of fresh groundwater in drilling and fracking. Once this water has been used in this way, it is no longer a clean source for our needs. There is some water used in the turbines’ manufacturing, but it is dramatically less than what is used in extracting other energy sources.

Drought Resistant

Because wind energy doesn’t require the use of water during operation, it is drought resistant. This is one reason it is so desirable in the windswept deserts where water is scarce. 

Wind Energy Powers Vehicles

There are wind-powered vehicles? There are. Most of these are watercraft, such as yachts and fishing vessels. However, carmakers producing clean energy cars are utilizing wind technology. In 2017 Wind Power Monthly introduced the Toyota Mirai in the UK. It is a hydrogen car that is fueled with hydrogen from wind power.

According to Wired, there is a car that has proven to move into the wind “at twice the speed of the circulating air.” You won’t see these cars on the roads with you as they are built for competitions. However, through the innovative designs and learning more about wind power, who knows what vehicles people may be able to develop.

Wind Energy Powers Imaginative Inventors

In Science Direct, they discuss Airborn Wind  Energy concepts. These concepts move wind power generation away from the towering wind turbines to kites or crewless aircraft. 

Wind Can Be Used with Other Alternative Resources

Wind can be paired with solar and even hydroelectric systems to provide a more consistent power source. For those off-grid and living near a year-round moving waterway, this means they are never without electricity, so long as their system is maintained. 

For grid-tie systems, the addition of a wind generator with solar produces that much more energy. Any excess energy on a grid-tie system is transferred into the grid. Homeowners and businesses are often paid for this excess energy share.

The Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Nothing is without problems, and this includes wind power. Though these issues are few, they do warrant attention. Some components of the wind turbines may be toxic to mine or work with. This is being addressed, and alternatives are being found and utilized.

There have been a few reports of harm to wildlife. A few bird deaths have been noted, but of more concern are the deaths of bats at wind farms. These are being investigated, and people are working on designing turbines that are safe for all animal life.

Wind turbines do generate noise and vibration that can be disturbing to individuals. With technological advances, the sounds and vibrations are lessening.

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